January 21, 2018,
Almost all of the Miquelards come from the Normandy region. Many are located near Villedieu-les-Poêles.
We can already find in the 1830s (and perhaps before), the Mauduit-Miquelard house in Tinchebray. Note that the Mauduit and Mauviel families have a few examples of family reunification by marriage.
Mauduit-Miquelard was a manufacturer-trader of items from Normandy. Their main manufacture was in the field of locksmithing. In the trade, they made all the articles that were manufactured in their region. Suffice to say that it was a great hardware store and it had the reputation of being the most prolific in its region. They also employed independent craftsmen to work at home in the nail industry. Other merchants, also making articles from Paris, had articles from Mauduit-Miquelard in their commercial businesses.
In the following years, we find Miquelard in Paris in areas that will not surprise us. Boilermakers, tinsmiths, ironmongers (including in household articles, which includes copper pots), lampmakers, etc ... all these trades are related to boiler making.
In 1885, there is also a Miquelard, owner of 14 rue Frochot in Paris. In February of that same year, he filed a construction application, but we do not know which construction, the entire building? And then in July, he files a request for an elevation (so to build additional floors). At this time, it is not known if any boilermaking activity takes place at this address.
During this time, there are Miquelard who are still active in the fields mentioned above. There is in particular a Miquelard Aîné at 6 rue Roy who is a lamp maker, tinsmith and boilermaker.
It seems that Miquelard Aîné died around 1892 because it was his widow who took over the business in 1893. But this was not going to last since in 1894 no one was found.
And then, in 1896 (in the absence of information for 1895), we find a lampist Miquelard at 16 rue Frochot and immediately the following year, in 1897, at 14 rue Frochot!
For the moment, we are not starting with certainties. But one might think that 14 rue Frochot from 1885 was perhaps both the home of the Miquelards (without professional activities for them at this address) and as they were owners, certainly lessors of housing or for other commercial activities.
As we have seen, Miquelard Aîné's main activity was the manufacture of lamps (while doing tinning and boiler making). This specialty of lamp worker, he is the only Miquelard to exercise it. Following his death, it was his wife who took over the activity and a short time later we found a Miquelard lamp worker in the rue Frochot. It would be very surprising if it weren't the same family. Brother, son, nephew or other family link.
We therefore have a Miquelard lamp maker from 1896 (and perhaps even as early as 1894, the time to put in place the publication in the directory and in the absence of the 1895 directory).
In addition to the activity of lamp maker, from 1902, we find the activity of boilermaker. But it would be astonishing if he did not combine from the start the activities of tinner and boiler-making (although this is not indicated in the directories).
Even if there are few copper pots stamped Miquelard today, this house holds a first-rate place in Parisian boilermaking.
Quite simply because 14 rue Frochot quickly became the address of the Chambre Syndicale des Étameurs de la Seine. Which leads us to think that all those who make culinary boilermaking in Paris and elsewhere, know Miquelard well.
In addition, when a business was put up for sale, there is what is called a right of opposition. It is a delay which leaves time for potential creditors to oppose the sale for one reason or another (debts to be covered, etc.).
14 rue Frochot will be the address, for filing oppositions, for several decades concerning the resale of a large number of tinplating and boilermaking businesses.
We lose all information at the start of the Second World War and it seems that the Miquelard house did not survive this scourge. Very close to Place Pigalle, we dare not imagine what could have happened when the Germans arrived in Paris. Pigalle quickly became a privileged place for the Nazis and other members of the Gestapo who liked to have a good time. A boiler house, for its copper, its tin, its tools, was a great temptation for the Germans ...
Fortunately, we can still find some copper pots that show the know-how of our former craftsmen from the Miquelard house!
To all Copper Lovers !
Regards, T.J.